Leadership Zone

Help teachers reduce workload with Apple Education so they can unlock the genius in every student.

Affordability with Apple

Financing technology projects is not easy with school budgets. Subscription can allow you access products such as an iPad or MacBook, in a simple package including all services.

Whether you are looking for a 1:1 device programme or a Class set, we can create a bespoke solution with you.

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Invest in Professional Development

Apple Professional Learning offerings include comprehensive resources and services to help build foundational skills with Apple products and integrate them into learning, so you can create innovative instruction that engages students more deeply.

Apple Professional Learning resources are designed to support and enhance your instructional practice. And by learning how to make the most of your iPad, Mac and a wide variety of educational apps and materials, you can design and deliver lessons that create more a-ha moments for students.

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Apple Distinguished Educators

The Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE) program is a select group of K-12 and Higher Education professionals around the world possessing an identified expertise in educational technology leadership. Approximately 1,500 educators and involved in this global program.

ADEs are passionate advocates for the potential of innovative technologies to engage and empower students. They share their best practices for the advancement of teaching and learning.

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Discover our Success with Apple Programme

The Success with Apple Programme contains all of the key elements that any establishment will need to run a successful technology programme. 

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Contact our team of Education Specialists

Call us on 0330 223 0500 or fill in the form below and we will be in touch.