Apple Learning Institute - September 2022
What is the Apple Learning Institute?
JTRS, in partnership with Aspire2Be, an Apple Professional Learning Provider, is proud to offer the Apple Learning Institute. A series of high-quality professional online events to show you how to effectively use Apple technology in education. The ALI event is a virtual, multi-day learning experience.
During the sessions, educators will be prepared to facilitate a whole school approach to the integration of iOS devices, Apple apps, and resources for teaching and learning. You will develop skills to showcase how Apple technology can transform learning outcomes and become an Apple Learning Leader.
To attend the ALI, you must meet the following requirements:
Apple Teacher certified.
Qualified and practising educator, ideally with a leading role in digital development for your school.
Bring your own iPad device with the most recent operating system.
Tuesday 27th September 14:00-16:00
DEFINE - In this session, you will get to know each other, and build your understanding of what it is to be an Apple Learning Leader. An overview of the upcoming sessions will be provided top you. You will join an iMessage/Slack group for informal chat and support throughout the process. You’ll explore the process of Appreciative Inquiry, and be introduced to the Leadership series of ebooks from Apple. You’ll investigate what it takes to facilitate change, and reflect upon the current culture in your school organisation.
Tuesday 4th October 14:00-16:00
DISCOVER - In this session, you will build on your understanding of effective learning using Apple technology. You will consider the evolution of technology, and identify when to think critically to consider whether the use of technology is meaningful, and adds value to learning experiences. You’ll consider the key elements of learning, and develop your own statement for your organisation that clearly communicates your beliefs on learning to others.
Tuesday 11th October 14:00-16:00
DREAM - In this session, you will use your beliefs in education (created in the previous session) to consider where you want your organisation to be in the future, as the next step of Appreciative Inquiry. You will experience Apple Classroom, and understand how it can be used to enhance, improve and streamline teaching and learning experiences. You will learn some top tips and quick wins by showcasing inbuilt features of iPads for practical uses in education. You’ll then explore Everyone Can Create guides from Apple.
Tuesday 18th October 14:00-16:00
DESIGN - In this session, you will begin to understand how to construct your Digital Action Plan (DAP). You will carry out a SWOT Analysis and consider how to promote sustainable change in your school or organisation. Then you’ll complete the Learning Technologies Survey. You will consider the different stakeholders in your Digital Empowerment Steering Group, and the roles each one will play in the digital change and potentially transformation of your school or organisation. Finally, you’ll join the ALI community, for support whilst planning your DAP.
Tuesday 6th December 14:00-16:00
DELIVER & DEVELOP - In this session, you will showcase your Digital Action Plan (DAP) and share it with your cohort. You will consider the results of the Learning Technologies Survey, and consider whether the next steps for your school or organisation are to consolidate or transform practises. You will then network with your peers, considering any common concepts or experiences. Finally, you will feedback about your experience of the Apple Learning Institute, and receive a certificate to congratulate you on becoming an Apple Learning Leader.
The Apple Learning Institute will be an opportunity for hands-on ideas and discussions about CPD plans, change management, and leadership. Delegates will be supported to implement a real-world digital action plan to create change within their school. The event will consist of 5 sessions. Once all sessions have been attended and tasks completed, attendees will become a certified Apple Learning Leader.
To become an Apple Learning Leader you must -
Engage - attend all sessions
Complete the ALI workbook / Learning Technologies Survey
Create and implement Digital Action Plan
Present a 10-minute reflection to the group outlining findings and next steps;
Include image / audio / video
The presentation can be delivered through Apple tool/s of your choice